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du Théâtre d'Illusia
à Aurora...

Created in 1997 in Rouen, by Marja Nykänen, Marie De Bailliencourt and Jean-Christophe Canivet,  THEATRE D'ILLUSIA created  and broadcast more than 15 shows and given more than 1000 performances in France and around the world, whether in internationally renowned theaters and festivals, in unconventional places, in public spaces: creations of aquatic puppets, show tours for parks and gardens, small autonomous forms.

Artistic direction of a festival for 15 years in Haute Vienne"Imaginieul".

Artistic, cultural and cooperation actions in France, Finland, Laos, VietNam, Morocco, Algeria, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Quebec.

Partnership with the educational environment from nursery school to university, retirement homes, medico-social institutes, arts schools, popular education associations.

Collaborations and partnerships with other artistic teams and festivals in France, Quebec, Finland.

After more than ten years between Normandy and Limousin, the company chose in 2018 to settle permanently in New Aquitaine and merged with the association AURORA, operator of the ImagiNieul festival.

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